
Dear Marbling Lovers,

Courses for Groups: The traditional marbling courses are conducted at my marbling studio at Cayyolu Platformu/Ankara on weekdays and Saturday. Max number of participants is 4-5 and 4 tubs are available for marbling. Currently our courses are on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 to 15:00, and Saturday from 12:00 to 14:00. The Works of the participants to the group courses are display in the end of year exhibitions.


Private Courses: The private courses are one by one and each participant uses his/her individual tub. The courses are conducted at the marbling studio at Cayyolu Platformu/Ankara. The time schedule for a private marbling course is arranged according to the mutual consensus.

Private Courses

Special Groups: Special courses for different groups (such as foreigners, children, and occupational and/or institutional groups) and disabilities (it is believed that making marbling has therapy effect on people) are conducted upon request in consideration with their expectations and needs.

Workshops: A one-day workshops for the participants/visitors of official events such as festivals, exhibitions, and meetings or social events and gatherings are conducted in a manner that the participants/visitors also can try to make traditional marbling under my supervision.

 Türlçe English
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